The Alexander Technique
We are all moving through big and busy lives, full of stimuli that require our attention and action. We wade though the fascinating difficulty of learning to be human beings. We want to do living right, to be good at life. Our attachement to that nebulous outcome of perfection invokes a hieghtened state of reactivity that is typified by excess tension, a limited awareness of the world around us, and a lack of spontaneity.
We have the capacity to be aware of ourselves and the world around us at the same time. By practicing this quality of conscious awareness, we highten our capacity to make choices freely rather than being tied to old habits.
Many students come to the Alexander Technique because they are in physical pain. Over time, the practice has proved to restore natural balance and poise while relieving chronic pain.
Many students come to the Alexander Technique because they have a sense that their habits are lowering their quality of life. Some of these individuals associate these habits with "physical" manifestations, others recognize "mental" manifestations. The awarenss of self they develop in their AT practice teaches them that each activity is an experience of the full self. They learn that through this awareness and recognition of themselves, they develop the ability to make new choice with regard to their old habits.
I was brought to the Alexander Technique through my training as an actor. Performers of all stripes (musicians, actors, dancers) have trained in the Technique because the practice of art requires freedom, hieghtened listening and the ability to not hurt yourself doing the work you love.
I have had the priviledge of working with a wide variety of students. Those in pain, those who feel that AT might help them respond to their ADHD diagnosis, students as young as 12, and students coming to the Technique after retirement. If you have any questions about whether the Technique might be appropriate for you, please don't hesitate to send questions my way.
Where I Teach:
My teaching studio resides inside of The People's Yoga Northeast, located at 3016 NE Killingsworth.
Single Lessons are available at a sliding scale of $30-45
The Beginner's Package: For your first month of lessons, if you would like to commit to two lesson a week, you can purchase two lessons a week for $50. This package is available for up to four weeks.
Helpful Facts and Frequently Asked Questions:
In this work, we are cultivating a new experience. To that end, if you are able to come multpile times a week in the early days of your practice, you will more quickly be able to recognize and integrate this new practice.
A Complete Beginner's series of lessons will be different for each individual student. But, a new student can expect to have a clear understanding of the principles of AT and the ability to maintain their own private practice after 25 lessons.
It is best to were loose fitting pants to your lesson.
If you're interested in reading more about The Alexander Technique, check out the links below.
The American Society of Alexander Technique Teacher's website has all sorts of juicy reading including a thorough description of the Technique and it's history.
This article is a study published in the British Medical Journal on the effectiveness of AT with chronic back pain.
Nobel Prize winner Nikolaas Tinbergen spends 10 minutes of his Nobel Prize acceptance speech explaining the Technique and his family's experience in lessons.
You can read more of my writing on the Alexander Technique and my artistic practice at
Long time AT teacher in London, John Hunter has a lovely voice for the Technique.
Fun and fantastic blog of New York AT teacher, Lindsay Newitter.
Habit and Choice is the name of Beret Arcaya's blog. The title really gets to the meat of the matter.